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 Decisions, decisions...

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Nombre de messages : 192
Age : 37
Côté coeur : Mon petit macho bien dressé: Chris XD J't'aime mon chti lapin en susuuucre !!! XD
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2006

Decisions, decisions... Vide
MessageSujet: Decisions, decisions...   Decisions, decisions... Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Jan - 23:17

Mya was walking by the Centhory's lake. A beautiful place that almost anybody would normaly enjoy but not her. But why would'nt she like this place? That was'nt the question at all. She was just wondering about so much things that happened lately in her life. Wondering about what to do, how to react, what was the better thing to do...Or to be...

Evil things had always been the things that were ...In a sense guiding her in life. But as I said, things where changing. Good ones and bad ones were keeping her attention and she had a lot of decisions to make.

So as she was walking along the border of the lake, frowning, Mya sat down, listening to the beauty of the waving water, she closed her eyes.

All these decisions made her sick, and so very tired...

No one was near, as a tear fell on her cheek.
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Decisions, decisions...

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